Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What's in my purse?

I really need to clean out my purse... But first I'm gonna go over the contents of it just for fun!

my cell phone
its my lifeline! haha no really if i didnt have it with me i would go crazy and be needing it all day.. but half the time when i HAVE it i dont use it/need it.. so safe to say its pretty much all in my head!

my wallet
its got my debit card, drivers license,school ID, etc

Marlboro Lights & lighters
i'm addicted.. its a fact of my life.. deal with it.

tanning lotion
I recently started tanning 2-3 times a week, so its just easier to keep it in my purse.

junk that i rarely need
theres always quite a bit of stuff in my purse that i may or may not actually need.. it turns into a sort of catch-all at times!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Spring Break

So I have one more day of classes (Thursday) standing between me and Spring Break. Now for most people this would be pretty exciting because that means they get to go somewhere. I am not going anywhere nor have I ever gone anywhere during spring break week. I will just be enjoying the week of no classes and working. I'm only working Sunday, Monday and Wednesday though so I will actually have some free time to hang out and do whatever! Every spring break I have had since I started college I have spent working. So it will be nice to have a couple extra days off this time to just relax. Last year my parents went out of town the week of spring break and so I had the whole house to myself so that was a vacation in and of itself! haha Anywho nothing too exciting here. I'm quite a boring college student lol More tomorrow!

Monday, March 2, 2009

My nickname

I have several nicknames.. The first one would be Sarah-Bara-Boo and it was given to me by my grandmother when I was very young... My friends in junior high shortened it to Sarah-boo. I had a teacher in highschool who called me Wheels (shortening my last name). I once had a manager who called me Rah-Rah, she said I was just so cheery it reminded her of her friend Sarah. My whole life there are people who have called me Sari. So anyway theres a list and reasons for the various names I will answer too!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


So I think I am gonnna give NaBloPoMo another shot. I don't think I'm gonna do the theme for the month. I find that I often can write more and more interesting things if I am not trying to fit to a theme! Last year I participated in April and made it all the way to the 23rd before I messed up and didnt post! Hope you will join me on my journey to post everyday!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Funny Photo Friday

Let me just start off by saying I got the idea to participate in Funny Photo Friday from my friend over at Under The Arch.

Now I will explain the picture. Its from a family game that we play every now and then around the winter holidays when its too cold to venture outside. Its kind of like musical chairs with a twist. We take one of the kids "Bop It" toys and pass it around all while someone is playing music on the stereo, whoever is holding the Bop It when the song stops must reach into the bag full of assorted clothing items without looking and take out an item and put it on. so I thought I would post this pic of my cousin because its just goes to show how silly we are. It starts to get real interesting after a while!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

waiting impatiently......

I recently applied for a new position at work. My manager interviewed me for it last night but there are 4 others who also applied for this position. Of the people I know that put in for it they would all do a good job I think. I'm just kinda nervous because I really want to get this position. I think I can be really good at it and that it would be a good experience..... So I am awaiting a response.. all of the interviews are done.. now just waitin for the answer which should come early in the week...... so I am impatiently awaiting an answer... did i mention I freakin HATE waiting? haha The fact that theres a current stressor in my life that is making me crabby has made waiting even worse... Oh well.. wish me luck!

Friday, May 9, 2008

inappropriate dreams...

so what does one do when they have generally 100% inappropriate dream. i mean the kind of dream that throughout the day when it pops into your head you turn bright red with embarrassment because you feel like everyone can read your thoughts. GAH! lol or better yet when you see the person from said inappropriate dream you cant stop thinking bout the dream and then you turn bright red again because you feel like they can read your thoughts. and then they ask you why your face is red... oh bloody hell... i am in trouBLE.

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